Ranma Wiki
For the story arc, see Pill Box Arc.

The Pill Box is a special box used by Nodoka Saotome to secretly store a wide variety of pills she uses to help her deal with the hardships faced by the women of the Saotome family.

Manga History[]

Seeing how depressed her son has gotten since he returned home to live with her, Nodoka decides to have Ranma give Akane the pill box so that they have an excuse to see each other again.

Unfortunately when Ranma opens the box he immediately sees the engagement ring inside, leading him to believe the ring is meant to represent his relationship to Akane. This leads Ranma to attempt to give Akane the box without it seeming like a big deal, all of which fail miserably. Eventually word of the box and it's engagement ring reaches Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi who swiftly try and claim it for themselves, destroying the Saotome household in the process.

After his other fiancés lose sight of him, Ranma finally gives Akane the box, much to her gratitude. When Akane tries to remove the ring, however, she reveals the hidden stash of pills in the lower half of the box. Nodoka later asks Akane if she liked the gift, adding she'll need it if she joins the Saotome family. Akane sarcastically replies that the box has a nice design.
